Before we commit to working together let’s find out if my service is right for you. Contact Marty
A Facilitation with Marty Download Here
For Byron Katie’s books, blog, trainings and to download the “Judge Your Neighbor” worksheet Marty Epstein and other Facilitators at The
“There is no suffering in the world, there’s only a story that would lead you to believe it. There’s no suffering in the world that’s real. Isn’t that amazing? Investigate and come to know for yourself” BYRON KATIE
Marty Epstein is a caring and supportive facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie in the New York Area.
For people who seek a deeper way to speak and listen—especially to end the personal suffering of pain and anxiety—Marty is happy to offer private sessions via phone and Skype, group facilitations in New York and New England, and also via teleconferencing.
In the past, Marty managed large-scale projects for Charles Schwab & Co., Bank of NY Mellon Corp. and Merrill Lynch. Marty is experienced in conversing among vastly diverse groups and staffs—across cultures, countries and languages.
For the last 10 years Marty has been a trainer in Collaborative Communication and Non Violent Communication (NVC), offering courses and private interventions in New York schools, universities and various upstate centers.
Marty has recently become a Certified Facilitator in The Work of Byron Katie, which adds a process of deep personal inquiry to his already well-rounded communication skills.
About his latest training, Marty says: The Work of Byron Katie for me has been the crown jewel of self-understanding. It has given me a way to end suffering and anxiety. It has taught me that connection to another is available every moment. That happiness and peace are ever-present. And that the worst that can happen is that I believe what I think!”
Lehman College, BS, Political Science
Columbia University, MS, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
BayNVC Leadership Program, Certified Trainer
The Work of Byron Katie, Certified Facilitator
The Work of Byron Katie draws its effectiveness from 4 simple questions and the “turn-around” statement, each of which challenge us to inquire more deeply into the thoughts we have about ourselves and others who cause us to suffer.
After discovering the thought that stimulates the suffering, we ask:
• Is it true?
• Can you absolutely know that it is true?
• How do you react when you believe that thought?
• Who would you be without that thought?
Turn your phrase into its opposite.
Find at least three specific, genuine examples of how the turnaround is true.
This is how The Work initiates a process of deep personal inquiry that leads us to freedom.
After enduring deep depression, even homelessness, Byron Katie was gifted with the insight that it is only our thoughts that cause our suffering. When we inquire into the beliefs we have about ourselves, we can begin to know that we are limitless. What happens then is the release of pain, anxiety and suffering, as our hearts expand in self-inquiry and self-acceptance.
Before we commit to working together let’s find out if my service is right for you. Contact Marty
A Facilitation with Marty Download Here
For Byron Katie’s books, blog, trainings and to download the “Judge Your Neighbor” worksheet Marty Epstein and other Facilitators at The
By phone, Zoom and Skype. End suffering; gain happiness. LEARN MORE
By phone, Zoom and Skype. End suffering; gain happiness. LEARN MORE